Isotroin 5 mg


Isotroin 5 mg Softgel Capsule (Isotretinoin) belongs to a group of retinoids near the vitamin A derivative. It is using to treat severe acne that is not responding to other treatments.

  • Category : Acne
  • Manufacturer : Generic
  • Active Substance : Isotretinoin
  • Customer Rate
  • Prescription : Required or Will Provide upon Online Doctor Consultation


ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE contains Isotretinoin which belongs to the group of medicines called Retinoids. It is used in adults and children (older than 12 years of age) to treat severe form of acne (such as nodular acne, conglobate acne, and acne that is at risk of permanent scarring), which has not improved after other anti-acne treatments. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition which is characterized by spots, oily skin, nodular lesions etc. on face, back, and chest, which can be painful.

During treatment with ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE your doctor might conduct certain blood tests and pregnancy tests, and you will be supervised by a skin doctor. You will be advised to reduce intensive exercise and physical activity. Before you go out in the sun, use a sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF 15 or higher).

Avoid too much sun and using a sun-lamp or sun-bed. Avoid consuming alcohol while taking ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE as it may cause side effects. Do not donate blood while consuming ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE and after stopping ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE at least for one month or undergo cosmetic procedures while taking ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE or at least for 6 months after stopping it.

ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in patients having liver or kidney disease, hyperlipidaemia (high blood lipid levels), high levels of Vitamin A. ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE should be used with caution in patients who have or had mental illness or family history of mental illness, asthma, diabetes, heart or bone problems like osteoporosis, or eating disorder.

ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE is not recommended for use in pregnant women, women planning a pregnancy, breast feeding women, and in children (below 12 years of age) so, consult your doctor for advice. ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE should be used with caution in elderly patients (65 years and older).

ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE may cause depression, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, or thoughts of self-harm in some patients. Consult your doctor if you experience any such behaviour or thoughts.

Most common side effects of taking ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE are dry skin of face and lips, joint or muscle pain, headache, easy bruising or bleeding, weakness, etc. Consult your doctor if any of the symptoms deteriorate.


  • Used in adults and children (older than 12 years of age) to treat severe form of acne which has not improved after other anti-acne treatments


ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE helps in treating acne by inhibiting the function of sebaceous glands (oil glands in skin) thus, reducing the secretion of oil (sebum) in the skin. ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE also inhibits keratinization (development of a horn-like character by the epithelial tissue), which might be a cause of acne.


Take ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE as advised by your physician. Do not crush or chew it. Swallow ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE as whole with a glass of water or a mouthful of food. Take it on a full stomach. Your doctor will decide the right dose and duration of therapy for you according to your age, body weight and disease condition.



  • Dry skin, especially of the lips and face, inflamed skin, chapped and inflamed lips, rash, mild itching, slight peeling
  • More fragile and red skin than usual, especially of the face
  • Back, muscle or joint pain (particularly in children and teenagers)
  • Inflammation of the eye and eyelid area, dry and irritated eyes
  • Raised liver enzymes
  • Changed blood fat and cholesterol levels
  • Easy bruising, bleeding or clotting
  • Anaemia (weakness, dizziness, pale skin)
  • Headache
  • Protein or blood in the urine
  • Becoming more prone to get infections
  • Dry and crusted inside of the nose causing mild nosebleeds
  • Sore or inflamed throat and nose


  • Hair loss

Stop taking ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE and consult your doctor immediately in case you experience any of the following:

  • Persistent pain in your lower back or buttocks (signs of sacroiliitis)
  • Severe skin reactions (Ex. erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis) (blistering and peeling of skin, severe rashes, fever, multiple lesions especially in mouth, nose, eyes and genitals, conjunctivitis, flu-like symptoms)
  • Depression or related disorders (sad or altered mood, anxiety, emotional discomfort), worsening depression, becoming violent or aggressive
  • Thoughts or feelings about hurting self or ending own lives, suicide attempts or suicide
  • Unusual behaviour
  • Psychosis (loss of contact with reality, like hearing voices or seeing things that are not real)
  • Serious reactions (trouble breathing or swallowing due to sudden swelling of the throat, face, lips and mouth, sudden swelling of the hands, feet and ankles, hives, bruises, eczema, bruising, red patches on hands and legs)
  • Sudden tight chest, breathlessness and wheezing, particularly if you have asthma
  • Rhabdomyolysis (muscle weakness along with trouble moving arms or legs, painful, swollen, bruised areas of the body, dark urine, reduced or no urination, confusion or dehydration)
  • Hepatitis (yellow skin or eyes, tiredness)
  • Kidney inflammation (difficulty urinating, swollen and puffy eyelids, excessive tiredness)
  • Increased intracranial pressure (continuous headache, along with nausea, vomiting and eyesight changes including blurred vision)
  • Serious gut conditions (severe tummy pain, with or without severe bloody diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting)
  • Vision problems like night vision problems, persistent dryness of eyes, intolerance to contact lenses
  • Inflamed pancreas
  • Hearing problems, ringing sound in ears
  • Severe muscle weakness, muscle, joint, back pain, difficulty moving especially after exercise



Take ISOTROIN 5MG CAPSULE with, or just after meals. Stick to simple meals. Avoid eating oily or spicy foods. If nausea persists, contact your doctor.


Get adequate rest. Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Have small sips if you feel sick. Eat when you feel like eating – you don’t have to eat or avoid any specific foods. Do not take any medicine for vomiting without your doctor’s consultation. If vomiting does not get better, contact your doctor.


Drink lots of fluids, like water or fruit juice to maintain hydration. Check with your doctor before taking any medicine for diarrhea. If diarrhea does not get better, contact your doctor.


Drink plenty of water and get adequate rest. Try to be relaxed and stress free. Consult with your doctor before taking any medicine for headache. If headache persists, consult your doctor.


Lie down until dizziness is improved, then get up slowly. Don’t hurry and move slowly and carefully. Get adequate rest. Drink plenty of water and other fluids. Avoid coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. If dizziness persists, consult your doctor.

Skin rash:

Avoid hot showers because hot water can further irritate your skin. Do not scratch the affected area. Use protective clothing when going outdoors. Regularly moisturize your skin. Consult your doctor if your skin rash gets worse.

Eye irritation or itching:

Wash your eyes with plain cold water. Place an ice pack on your eye to soothe the irritation. Avoid straining your eyes by keeping away from mobile phones, laptops, or television. Wear protective sunglasses while going outdoors.

Blurred vision:

Avoid driving or going outside on your own if you have blurred eyesight. Close your eyes for some time until your eyesight gets clear. Contact your doctor if your vision remains blur for a long period.


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Isotroin 5 mg Softgel Capsule (Isotretinoin) belongs to a group of retinoids near the vitamin A derivative. It is using to treat severe acne that is not responding to other treatments.



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